Wog boys

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Why We Are Undefeated

Hello, team supporters! We are joining forces for the Undefeated Challenge to support the CommBank Pararoos and CommBank ParaMatildas. For seven days, we'll be walking, running, swimming, or riding to raise funds for these incredible athletes. Your donations will enable them to compete at the 2024 IFCFP World Cup in Spain. Together, we can achieve great things and show that no challenge is too great. Please donate and help our team make a difference. Thank you, together we are undefeated!

Thank you to our Sponsors




Antoniio Izzo



Go Sanj!!!


Matthew Izzo


Nicole Bailote


Zoe Duplex


Noah Gribble

Go get them!


Laura Mumper

Cheering you on buddy.


Samuel Mcconnachy


An Tong
